Wednesday, 23 March 2011


AutoCAD WS just gets better and better. You can now get a plugin the AutoCAD 2010/11 and AutoCAD LT, how cool is that, I really like that.

Real-Time Collaboration so I can share the same drawing with someone else anywhere in the world on your computer, iphone or ipad, and does what it says in real-time so you make a change they will see it happen on screen. Now thats something that will work well if you working from another office and you need to discuss something with colleague.

Thats something I will doing next at work.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Please sign up and become a follower of my blog, I hope the tips trick I posting are helpful for all who use AutoCAD.

Monday, 14 March 2011


I have been setting up Multileaders on my companys templates file when I came across how to change the leader type, colour, lintype, lineweight, arrowhead and size on each individual leader leg.

You can simply do this by holding down the Ctrl key the crosshairds will changed to a pick box, you can then click the leader your wish to change. One click gives you a grip at either end which allows you to move the leader, but if you want to change the leader type, colour, linetype, lineweight, arrowhead and size hold down Crtl and double click with left mouse it opens the properties window and now you can change the leaders properties individually.

I have added a video on this which can be found at the following location:


Multiple Command

The Multiple command will repeat the next command until it’s cancelled.

For example:

If you type Multiple into the command line then the command you wish to use (i.e. Circle) it is repeated until you press ESC. Multiple repeats only the command name, so any parameters must be specified each time.

Please note this is only a command line trick you can’t find it on the Ribbon.

You can repeat the last command command you did if you press Enter or Spacebar to restart the command, but it will only repeat the command once.

AutoCAD Upgrade Training

Ok I have finished the roll out AutoCAD 2010 across my company back in mid February and its been none stop every since. I thought it would be tough doing the rollout but the support required afterwards is tough making sure all the minor little problems are sorted out.

Right best get on with the next stuff......