Thursday 19 April 2012

Change Text Style Script - AutoCAD

He is how to create a script to change the text style in AutoCAD.
  1. Open Notepad
  2. So the Text styles dialog box does open you will need to type -STYLE into the command line.
  3. Now following the command line:  
Enter name of text style or [?] <Annotative>: (ENTER THE TEXT STYLE NAME HERE) Standard
Specify full font name or font filename (TTF or SHX) <romans.shx>: (ENTER THE FONT NAME HERE) Arial
Specify height of text or [Annotative] <0.0000>: (ENTER THE TEXT HEIGHT HERE) 2.5
Specify width factor <0.5000>: (ENTER THE TEXT WIDTH FACTOR HERE) 1

Specify obliquing angle <0>: (ENTER THE TEXT STYLE NAME HERE) 0
Display text backwards? [Yes/No] <No>: (ENTER YES OR NO TO DISPLAY TEXT BACKWARDS HERE) n
Display text upside-down? [Yes/No] <No>: (ENTER  YES OR NO TO DISPLAY TEXT UPSIDE-DOWN HERE) n
Press F2 in AutoCAD so the Text Window opens, select and copy of the text into Notepad. So it should read as follows:


Note: If you add a few enters after the last n you will see it will start the command again, so just watch your enters.
Now hit save as and name your script i.e Style_Text.scr.  Note to run it as a script you must put .scr at the end.

To run the script in AutoCAD now type SCR into the command line, go the location where you saved the script select it and click Open. It should now change your Text Style to "Standard" as current.


  1. Ive never used the computer program solidworks and i have to take the CSWA exam next week. I looked at some practice problems and i couldnt replicate any of the designs so do i hvae a chance? Are there any tips about how to pass it because i know its multiple choice. I have to take it for a class and it has no impact on mygrade so ill just try and do my best but most answers will be guesses..

    Buy Solidworks

    1. I am sorry I don't know anything about Solidworks as its not a Autodesk product I don't cover it. I would assume you will need to do some sort of formal training before you undertake that exam. If you haven't I would advise you do get some before you take it.

